Thursday, 16 August 2012

To Blog or not to Blog? That is the question.

Before JOUR1111, I had never contemplated creating my own Blog. To me Blogs were merely spaces where unintelligent, loud, obnoxious people could voice their opinions. I believed that the increasing use of these media outlets was negatively impacting upon journalism. Firstly, I felt that though all can effectively type not all should write and as such that the integrity of the journalistic practise was being compromised. Moreover, I believed that uploading posts meant that the vital stage of editing stories before they are run was essentially elimentated. In all, I viewed the effect of media progressions on journalism in a mindset evidently very similar to that shared by the following cartoonists: 

Yet since being forced to start my own Blog (this very blog in fact) for JOUR1111, I have realised the inherent legitimacy and power of such a media outlet as well as the fact that it can positively contribute to the field of journalism. As this medium grows in popularity, more and more journalists are taking advantage of the oppotunities Blogs present. As stated by Paul Bradshaw and Liisa Rohumma, authors of The Online Journalism Handbook, this media platform offers editoral, commercial and professional benefits for journalists. Commerically, blogs enhance a "news organisation's visibility on search engines such as Google." This process is known as search engine optimisation (SEO). In regards to the editorial advantages, Bradshaw and Rohumma opine that "blogging offers a new way for journalists to source leads and to attract useful sources." Lastly, Blogging can be profressionally useful as one can make onself visible to employers as well as set up a strong rapport with their audience. 

Thus, for those who were as previously ignorant as I to the power and validity of Blogging, I hope I have englightened you a little as to the pros of such a practise! 

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